In the six volumes of the Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories, Julian Hawthorne presents us thrilling and mysterious short stories from all corners of the world. Some of the stories appeared in this collection for the first time translated into English, and many of them come from unexpected sources, such as the letters of Pliny the Younger, or a Tibetan manuscript. In this fourth volume, we find stories originally written in French, Italian, Spanish and Latin.
- The Necklace
- The Man with the Pale Eyes
- An Uncomfortable Bed
- Ghosts
- Fear
- The Confession
- The Horla, or Modern Ghosts, part 1
- The Horla, or Modern Ghosts, part 2
- The Miracle of Zobeide
- The Torture by Hope
- The Owl's Ear
- The Invisible Eye
- The Waters of Death
- Melmoth Reconciled, part 1
- Melmoth Reconciled, part 2
- Melmoth Reconciled, part 3
- The Conscript
- Zadig the Babylonian, part 1
- Zadig the Babylonian, part 2
- Zadig the Babylonian, part 3
- Zadig the Babylonian, part 4
- The Nail, part 1
- The Nail, part 2
- The Deposition
- The Adventure of the Three Robbers
- Letter to Sura