- Australian Legendary Tales Folk-Lore of the Noongahburrahs As Told To The Piccaninnies
Parker, K. Langloh
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A Collection of Australian Aboriginal Legendary Folk-Lore Tales, legends of the Narran tribe,
known among themselves as Noongahburrahs.
- Chapters
- Preface & Introduction, by Andrew Lang, MA
- Dinewan the Emu, and Goomblegubbon the Bustard
- The Galah, and Oolah the Lizard
- Bahloo the Moon, and the Daens
- The Origin of the Narran Lake
- Gooloo The Magpie, and the Wahroogah
- The Weeoombeens and the Piggiebillah
- Bootoolgah The Crane and Goonur The Kangaroo Rat, The Fire Makers
- Weedah The Mocking Bird
- The Gwinerboos The Redbreasts
- Meamei The Seven Sisters
- The Cookooburrahs And the Goolahgool
- The Mayamah
- The Bunbundoolooeys
- Oongnairwah And Guinare
- Narahdarn the Bat
- Mullyangah The Morning Star
- Goomblegubbon, Beeargaii, And Ouyan
- Mooregoo The Mopoke, And Bahloo The Moon
- Ouyan The Curlew
- Dinewan The Emu, And Wahn The Crows
- Goolahwilleel The Topknot Pigeons
- Goonur, The Woman-Doctor
- Deereeree The Wagtail, And The Rainbow
- Mooregoo The Mopoke, And Mooninguggahgul The Mosquito Bird
- Bougoodoogahdah The Rain Bird
- The Borah Of Byamee
- Bunnyyarl The Flies And Wurrunnunnah The Bees
- Deegeenboyah The Soldier Bird
- Mayrah, The Wind That Blows The Winter Away
- Wahambeh The Turtle
- Wirreenun The Rainmaker