English Dictionary

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 Allium cepa Allium cepa /ˈæliəm ˈsiːpə/


  1. Bulbous plant having hollow leaves cultivated worldwide for its rounded edible bulb  ( Allium cepa , onion , onion plant )
    bulbous plant having hollow leaves cultivated worldwide for its rounded edible bulb

 genus Tinea genus Tinea /ˈdʒiːnəs ˈtɪniə/


  1. Type genus of the Tineidae: clothes moths  ( genus Tinea , Tinea )
    type genus of the Tineidae: clothes moths

 reform school reform school /rɪˈfɔːrm skuːl/


  1. Correctional institution for the detention and discipline and training of young or first offenders  ( reform school , reformatory , training school )
    correctional institution for the detention and discipline and training of young or first offenders

 missy missy /ˈmɪsi/


  1. [Informal] A young female  ( fille , missy [Informal] , young lady , miss , girl , young woman )
    a young female
     A young lady of 18
    a young lady of 18