English Dictionary

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 slain slain /ˈsleɪn/


  1. Killed; slain' is formal or literary as in  ( slain )
    killed; slain' is formal or literary as in
     Slain warriors
    slain warriors
     A picture of St. George and the slain dragon
    a picture of St. George and the slain dragon


  1. () People who have been slain (as in battle)  ( slain )
    people who have been slain (as in battle)

 slay slay /ˈsleɪ/


  1. Kill intentionally and with premeditation  ( dispatch , hit , off [Informal, N. American] , polish off [Informal] , bump off [Informal] , murder , remove , slay )
    kill intentionally and with premeditation
     The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered
    The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered