English Dictionary

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 pregnant pregnant /ˈprɛgnənt/


  1. () Carrying developing offspring within the body or being about to produce new life  ( preggers [Informal] , preggo [Informal, Australian, New Zeland] , up the duff [Informal, British] , up the spout [Informal] , pregnant , up the stick [Informal, British] )
    carrying developing offspring within the body or being about to produce new life
     She is five months pregnant and the baby is due in December
    She is five months pregnant and the baby is due in December
  2. () Rich in significance or implication  ( meaning , pregnant , significant )
    rich in significance or implication
     A meaning look
    a meaning look
     A significant silence
    a significant silence
  3. Filled with or attended with  ( fraught , pregnant )
    filled with or attended with
     Words fraught with meaning
    words fraught with meaning
     An incident fraught with danger
    an incident fraught with danger
     A silence pregnant with suspense
    a silence pregnant with suspense