English Dictionary

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 shoal shoal /ʃoʊl/


  1. A large group of fish  ( school , shoal )
    a large group of fish
     A school of small glittering fish swam by
    a school of small glittering fish swam by
  2. A stretch of shallow water  ( shallow , shoal )
    a stretch of shallow water
  3. A sandbank in a stretch of water that is visible at low tide  ( shoal )
    a sandbank in a stretch of water that is visible at low tide
     The boat had to navigate carefully to avoid the shoal visible during low tide.
    The boat had to navigate carefully to avoid the shoal visible during low tide.


  1. Become shallow  ( shallow , shoal )
    become shallow
     The lake shallowed over time
    the lake shallowed over time
  2. Make shallow  ( shallow , shoal )
    make shallow
     The silt shallowed the canal
    The silt shallowed the canal

 abecedarian abecedarian /əˌbiːsiˈdɛrɪən/


  1. Alphabetically arranged (as for beginning readers)  ( abecedarian )
    alphabetically arranged (as for beginning readers)


  1. A novice learning the rudiments of some subject  ( abecedarian )
    a novice learning the rudiments of some subject
     As an abecedarian in Japanese, she started with the basics of the language.
    As an abecedarian in Japanese, she started with the basics of the language.


  1. A 16th century sect of Anabaptists centered in Germany who had an absolute disdain for human knowledge  ( Abecedarian )
    a 16th century sect of Anabaptists centered in Germany who had an absolute disdain for human knowledge

 spermatocide spermatocide /ˌspɝːməˈtɑːsɪd/


  1. A contraceptive agent that kills spermatozoa  ( spermatocide , spermicide )
    a contraceptive agent that kills spermatozoa

 Marmota caligata Marmota caligata /mɑːrˈmoʊtə kælɪˈgɑːtə/


  1. Large North American mountain marmot  ( hoary marmot , Marmota caligata , whistler , whistling marmot )
    large North American mountain marmot