English Dictionary

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 mercenary mercenary /ˈmɝːsəˌnɛri/


  1. Profit oriented  ( mercantile , mercenary , moneymaking )
    profit oriented
     A commercial book
    a commercial book
     Preached a mercantile and militant patriotism
    preached a mercantile and militant patriotism
     A mercenary enterprise
    a mercenary enterprise
     A moneymaking business
    a moneymaking business
  2. Serving for wages in a foreign army  ( free-lance , freelance , mercenary )
    serving for wages in a foreign army
     Mercenary killers
    mercenary killers
  3. Marked by materialism  ( materialistic , mercenary , worldly-minded )
    marked by materialism


  1. () A person hired to fight for another country than their own  ( soldier of fortune , mercenary )
    a person hired to fight for another country than their own
     The country hired the mercenary to aid them in their conflict with their neighbor.
    The country hired the mercenary to aid them in their conflict with their neighbor.