<h2><SPAN name="page113"></SPAN><span class="pagenum"></span>THE COCK AND THE BULL.</h2>
<p class="poetry"><span class="smcap">You</span> see this
pebble-stone? It’s a thing I bought<br/>
Of a bit of a chit of a boy i’ the mid o’ the
I like to dock the smaller parts-o’-speech,<br/>
As we curtail the already cur-tail’d cur<br/>
(You catch the paronomasia, play ’po’ words?)<br/>
Did, rather, i’ the pre-Landseerian days.<br/>
Well, to my muttons. I purchased the concern,<br/>
And clapt it i’ my poke, having given for same<br/>
By way o’ chop, swop, barter or exchange—<br/>
‘Chop’ was my snickering dandiprat’s own
One shilling and fourpence, current coin o’ the realm.<br/>
O-n-e one and f-o-u-r four<br/>
Pence, one and fourpence—you are with me, sir?—<br/>
<SPAN name="page114"></SPAN><span class="pagenum"></span>What
hour it skills not: ten or eleven o’ the clock,<br/>
One day (and what a roaring day it was<br/>
Go shop or sight-see—bar a spit o’ rain!)<br/>
In February, eighteen sixty nine,<br/>
Alexandrina Victoria, Fidei<br/>
Hm—hm—how runs the jargon? being on throne.</p>
<p class="poetry"> Such, sir, are all the facts,
succinctly put,<br/>
The basis or substratum—what you will—<br/>
Of the impending eighty thousand lines.<br/>
“Not much in ’em either,” quoth perhaps simple
But there’s a superstructure. Wait a bit.</p>
<p class="poetry">Mark first the rationale of the thing:<br/>
Hear logic rivel and levigate the deed.<br/>
That shilling—and for matter o’ that, the
I had o’ course upo’ me—wi’ me
(<i>Mecum’s</i> the Latin, make a note o’ that)<br/>
<SPAN name="page115"></SPAN><span class="pagenum"></span>When I
popp’d pen i’ stand, scratch’d ear, wiped
(Let everybody wipe his own himself)<br/>
Sniff’d—tch!—at snuffbox; tumbled up,
Haw-haw’d (not hee-haw’d, that’s another guess
Then fumbled at, and stumbled out of, door,<br/>
I shoved the timber ope wi’ my omoplat;<br/>
And <i>in vestibulo</i>, i’ the lobby to-wit,<br/>
(Iacobi Facciolati’s rendering, sir,)<br/>
Donn’d galligaskins, antigropeloes,<br/>
And so forth; and, complete with hat and gloves,<br/>
One on and one a-dangle i’ my hand,<br/>
And ombrifuge (Lord love you!), case o’ rain,<br/>
I flopp’d forth, ’sbuddikins! on my own ten toes,<br/>
(I do assure you there be ten of them),<br/>
And went clump-clumping up hill and down dale<br/>
To find myself o’ the sudden i’ front o’ the
Put case I hadn’t ’em on me, could I ha’
<SPAN name="page116"></SPAN><span class="pagenum"></span>This
sort-o’-kind-o’-what-you-might-call toy,<br/>
This pebble-thing, o’ the boy-thing? Q. E. D.<br/>
That’s proven without aid from mumping Pope,<br/>
Sleek porporate or bloated Cardinal.<br/>
(Isn’t it, old Fatchaps? You’re in Euclid
So, having the shilling—having i’ fact a
And pence and halfpence, ever so many o’ them,<br/>
I purchased, as I think I said before,<br/>
The pebble (<i>lapis</i>, <i>lapidis</i>, <i>-di</i>,
<i>-dem</i>, <i>-de</i>—<br/>
What nouns ’crease short i’ the genitive, Fatchaps,
O’ the boy, a bare-legg’d beggarly son of a gun,<br/>
For one-and-fourpence. Here we are again.</p>
<p class="poetry"> Now Law steps in,
bigwigg’d, voluminous-jaw’d;<br/>
Investigates and re-investigates.<br/>
Was the transaction illegal? Law shakes head.<br/>
Perpend, sir, all the bearings of the case.</p>
<p class="poetry"> <SPAN name="page117"></SPAN><span class="pagenum"></span>At first the coin was mine, the
chattel his.<br/>
But now (by virtue of the said exchange<br/>
And barter) <i>vice versa</i> all the coin,<br/>
<i>Per juris operationem</i>, vests<br/>
I’ the boy and his assigns till ding o’ doom;<br/>
(<i>In sæcula sæculo-o-o-orum</i>;<br/>
I think I hear the Abate mouth out that.)<br/>
To have and hold the same to him and them . . .<br/>
<i>Confer</i> some idiot on Conveyancing.<br/>
Whereas the pebble and every part thereof,<br/>
And all that appertaineth thereunto,<br/>
<i>Quodcunque pertinet ad eam rem</i>,<br/>
(I fancy, sir, my Latin’s rather pat)<br/>
Or shall, will, may, might, can, could, would or should,<br/>
(<i>Subaudi cætera</i>—clap we to the close—<br/>
For what’s the good of law in a case o’ the kind)<br/>
Is mine to all intents and purposes.<br/>
This settled, I resume the thread o’ the tale.</p>
<p class="poetry"> <SPAN name="page118"></SPAN><span class="pagenum"></span>Now for a touch o’ the
vendor’s quality.<br/>
He says a gen’lman bought a pebble of him,<br/>
(This pebble i’ sooth, sir, which I hold i’ my
And paid for’t, <i>like</i> a gen’lman, on the
“Did I o’ercharge him a ha’penny? Devil a
Fiddlepin’s end! Got out, you blazing ass!<br/>
Gabble o’ the goose. Don’t bugaboo-baby
Go double or quits? Yah! tittup! what’s the
There’s the transaction view’d i’
the vendor’s light.</p>
<p class="poetry"> Next ask that dumpled hag,
stood snuffling by,<br/>
With her three frowsy blowsy brats o’ babes,<br/>
The scum o’ the kennel, cream o’ the
Aie, aie, aie, aie!
(’Stead which we blurt out Hoighty toighty now)—<br/>
And the baker and candlestickmaker, and Jack and Gill,<br/>
<SPAN name="page119"></SPAN><span class="pagenum">p.
119</span>Blear’d Goody this and queasy Gaffer that.<br/>
Ask the schoolmaster. Take schoolmaster first.</p>
<p class="poetry"> He saw a gentleman purchase
of a lad<br/>
A stone, and pay for it <i>rite</i>, on the square,<br/>
And carry it off <i>per saltum</i>, jauntily,<br/>
<i>Propria quæ maribus</i>, gentleman’s property
(Agreeably to the law explain’d above),<br/>
<i>In proprium usum</i>, for his private ends.<br/>
The boy he chuck’d a brown i’ the air, and bit<br/>
I’ the face the shilling: heaved a thumping stone<br/>
At a lean hen that ran cluck clucking by,<br/>
(And hit her, dead as nail i’ post o’ door,)<br/>
Then <i>abiit</i>—what’s the Ciceronian
<i>Excessit</i>, <i>evasit</i>, <i>erupit</i>—off slogs
Off like bird, <i>avi similis</i>—(you observed<br/>
The dative? Pretty i’ the
Off in three flea skips. <i>Hactenus</i>, so far,<br/>
So good, <i>tam bene</i>. <i>Bene</i>, <i>satis</i>,
<SPAN name="page120"></SPAN><span class="pagenum"></span>Where
was I with my trope ’bout one in a quag?<br/>
I did once hitch the syntax into verse:<br/>
<i>Verbum personale</i>, a verb personal,<br/>
<i>Concordat</i>—ay, “agrees,” old
<i>Nominativo</i>, with its nominative,<br/>
<i>Genere</i>, i’ point o’ gender, <i>numero</i>,<br/>
O’ number, <i>et persona</i>, and person.
Instance: <i>Sol ruit</i>, down flops sun, <i>et</i> and,<br/>
<i>Montes umbrantur</i>, out flounce mountains. Pah!<br/>
Excuse me, sir, I think I’m going mad.<br/>
You see the trick on’t though, and can yourself<br/>
Continue the discourse <i>ad libitum</i>.<br/>
It takes up about eighty thousand lines,<br/>
A thing imagination boggles at:<br/>
And might, odds-bobs, sir! in judicious hands,<br/>
Extend from here to Mesopotamy.</p>
<SPAN name="endofbook"></SPAN>
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