<SPAN name="startofbook"></SPAN>
<h3>An Anatomy of the World.<SPAN name="pagei.231a" id="pagei.231a"></SPAN></h3>
<p class="centert0"><br/>By occasion of the untimely death of</p>
<p class="centerc0">Mistris<span class="spaced"> <span class="sc">Elizabeth Drvry</span></span>,</p>
<p class="centerc0">the frailty and the decay of this</p>
<p class="centerb0">whole World is represented.</p>
<p class="titleit">The first Anniversary.</p>
<div class="poem width27"> <div class="stanza">
<p class="rightnote"><i>The entrie into the worke.</i></p>
<p><span class="dropcap">W</span><span class="sp6">HEN that rich Soule which to her heaven is gone,</span></p>
<p class="i6">Whom all do celebrate, who know they have one,</p>
<p>(For who is sure he hath a Soule, unlesse</p>
<p>It see, and judge, and follow worthinesse,</p>
<p><span class="right1"> 5</span>And by Deedes praise it? hee who doth not this,</p>
<p>May lodge an In-mate soule, but 'tis not his.)</p>
<p>When that Queene ended here her progresse time,</p>
<p>And, as t'her standing house to heaven did climbe,</p>
<p>Where loath to make the Saints attend her long,</p>
<p><span class="right1">10</span>She's now a part both of the Quire, and Song,</p>
<p>This World, in that great earthquake languished;</p>
<p>For in a common bath of teares it bled,</p>
<p>Which drew the strongest vitall spirits out:</p>
<p>But succour'd then with a perplexed doubt,</p>
<p><span class="right1">15</span>Whether the world did lose, or gaine in this,</p>
<p>(Because since now no other way there is,</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="pagei.232" id="pagei.232"></SPAN>[page 232]</span></p>
<div class="stanza">
<p>But goodnesse, to see her, whom all would see,</p>
<p>All must endeavour to be good as shee,)</p>
<p>This great consumption to a fever turn'd,</p>
<p><span class="right1">20</span>And so the world had fits; it joy'd, it mourn'd;</p>
<p>And, as men thinke, that Agues physick are,</p>
<p>And th'Ague being spent, give over care,</p>
<p>So thou sicke World, mistak'st thy selfe to bee</p>
<p>Well, when alas, thou'rt in a Lethargie.</p>
<p><span class="right1">25</span>Her death did wound and tame thee than, and than</p>
<p>Thou might'st have better spar'd the Sunne, or Man.</p>
<p>That wound was deep, but 'tis more misery,</p>
<p>That thou hast lost thy sense and memory.</p>
<p>'Twas heavy then to heare thy voyce of mone,</p>
<p><span class="right1">30</span>But this is worse, that thou art speechlesse growne.</p>
<p>Thou hast forgot thy name, thou hadst; thou wast</p>
<p>Nothing but shee, and her thou hast o'rpast.</p>
<p>For as a child kept from the Font, untill</p>
<p>A prince, expected long, come to fulfill</p>
<p><span class="right1">35</span>The ceremonies, thou unnam'd had'st laid,</p>
<p>Had not her comming, thee her Palace made:</p>
<p>Her name defin'd thee, gave thee forme, and frame,</p>
<p>And thou forgett'st to celebrate thy name.</p>
<p>Some moneths she hath beene dead (but being dead,</p>
<p><span class="right1">40</span>Measures of times are all determined)</p>
<p>But long she'ath beene away, long, long, yet none</p>
<p>Offers to tell us who it is that's gone.</p>
<p>But as in states doubtfull of future heires,</p>
<p>When sicknesse without remedie empaires</p>
<p><span class="right1">45</span>The present Prince, they're loth it should be said,</p>
<p>The Prince doth languish, or the Prince is dead:</p>
<p>So mankinde feeling now a generall thaw,</p>
<p>A strong example gone, equall to law,</p>
<p>The Cyment which did faithfully compact,</p>
<p><span class="right1">50</span>And glue all vertues, now resolv'd, and slack'd,</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="pagei.233" id="pagei.233"></SPAN>[page 233]</span></p>
<p>Thought it some blasphemy to say sh'was dead,</p>
<p>Or that our weaknesse was discovered</p>
<p>In that confession; therefore spoke no more</p>
<p>Then tongues, the Soule being gone, the losse deplore.</p>
<p><span class="right1">55</span>But though it be too late to succour thee,</p>
<p>Sicke World, yea, dead, yea putrified, since shee</p>
<p>Thy'intrinsique balme, and thy preservative,</p>
<p>Can never be renew'd, thou never live,</p>
<p>I (since no man can make thee live) will try,</p>
<p><span class="right1">60</span>What wee may gaine by thy Anatomy.</p>
<p>Her death hath taught us dearely, that thou art</p>
<p>Corrupt and mortall in thy purest part.</p>
<p>Let no man say, the world it selfe being dead,</p>
<p>'Tis labour lost to have discovered</p>
<p><span class="right1">65</span>The worlds infirmities, since there is none</p>
<p>Alive to study this dissection;</p>
<p class="rightnote"><i>What life the world hath stil.</i></p>
<p>For there's a kinde of World remaining still,</p>
<p>Though shee which did inanimate and fill</p>
<p>The world, be gone, yet in this last long night,</p>
<p><span class="right1">70</span>Her Ghost doth walke; that is, a glimmering light,</p>
<p>A faint weake love of vertue, and of good,</p>
<p>Reflects from her, on them which understood</p>
<p>Her worth; and though she have shut in all day,</p>
<p>The twilight of her memory doth stay;</p>
<p><span class="right1">75</span>Which, from the carcasse of the old world, free,</p>
<p>Creates a new world, and new creatures bee</p>
<p>Produc'd: the matter and the stuffe of this,</p>
<p>Her vertue, and the forme our practice is:</p>
<p>And though to be thus elemented, arme</p>
<p><span class="right1">80</span>These creatures, from home-borne intrinsique harme,</p>
<p>(For all assum'd unto this dignitie,</p>
<p>So many weedlesse Paradises bee,</p>
<p>Which of themselves produce no venemous sinne,</p>
<p>Except some forraine Serpent bring it in)</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="pagei.234" id="pagei.234"></SPAN>[page 234]</span></p>
<p><span class="right1">85</span>Yet, because outward stormes the strongest breake,</p>
<p>And strength it selfe by confidence growes weake,</p>
<p>This new world may be safer, being told</p>
<p class="rightnote"><i>The sicknesses of the World.</i></p>
<p>The dangers and diseases of the old:</p>
<p>For with due temper men doe then forgoe,</p>
<p><span class="right1">90</span>Or covet things, when they their true worth know.</p>
<p class="rightnote"><i>Impossibility of health.</i></p>
<p>There is no health; Physitians say that wee,</p>
<p>At best, enjoy but a neutralitie.</p>
<p>And can there bee worse sicknesse, then to know</p>
<p>That we are never well, nor can be so?</p>
<p><span class="right1">95</span>Wee are borne ruinous: poore mothers cry,</p>
<p>That children come not right, nor orderly;</p>
<p>Except they headlong come and fall upon</p>
<p>An ominous precipitation.</p>
<p>How witty's ruine! how importunate</p>
<p><span class="right1">100</span>Upon mankinde! it labour'd to frustrate</p>
<p>Even Gods purpose; and made woman, sent</p>
<p>For mans reliefe, cause of his languishment.</p>
<p>They were to good ends, and they are so still,</p>
<p>But accessory, and principall in ill;</p>
<p><span class="right1">105</span>For that first marriage was our funerall:</p>
<p>One woman at one blow, then kill'd us all,</p>
<p>And singly, one by one, they kill us now.</p>
<p>We doe delightfully our selves allow</p>
<p>To that consumption; and profusely blinde,</p>
<p><span class="right1">110</span>Wee kill our selves to propagate our kinde.</p>
<p>And yet we do not that; we are not men:</p>
<p>There is not now that mankinde, which was then,</p>
<p>When as, the Sunne and man did seeme to strive,</p>
<p class="rightnote"><i>Shortnesse of life.</i></p>
<p>(Joynt tenants of the world) who should survive;</p>
<p><span class="right1">115</span>When, Stagge, and Raven, and the long-liv'd tree,</p>
<p>Compar'd with man, dy'd in minoritie;</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="pagei.235" id="pagei.235"></SPAN>[page 235]</span></p>
<p>When, if a slow pac'd starre had stolne away</p>
<p>From the observers marking, he might stay</p>
<p>Two or three hundred yeares to see't againe,</p>
<p><span class="right1">120</span>And then make up his observation plaine;</p>
<p>When, as the age was long, the sise was great;</p>
<p>Mans growth confess'd, and recompenc'd the meat;</p>
<p>So spacious and large, that every Soule</p>
<p>Did a faire Kingdome, and large Realme controule:</p>
<p><span class="right1">125</span>And when the very stature, thus erect,</p>
<p>Did that soule a good way towards heaven direct.</p>
<p>Where is this mankinde now? who lives to age,</p>
<p>Fit to be made <i>Methusalem</i> his page?</p>
<p>Alas, we scarce live long enough to try</p>
<p><span class="right1">130</span>Whether a true made clocke run right, or lie.</p>
<p>Old Grandsires talke of yesterday with sorrow,</p>
<p>And for our children wee reserve to morrow.</p>
<p>So short is life, that every peasant strives,</p>
<p>In a torne house, or field, to have three lives.</p>
<p><span class="right1">135</span>And as in lasting, so in length is man</p>
<p class="rightnote"><i>Smalnesse of stature.</i></p>
<p>Contracted to an inch, who was a spanne;</p>
<p>For had a man at first in forrests stray'd,</p>
<p>Or shipwrack'd in the Sea, one would have laid</p>
<p>A wager, that an Elephant, or Whale,</p>
<p><span class="right1">140</span>That met him, would not hastily assaile</p>
<p>A thing so equall to him: now alas,</p>
<p>The Fairies, and the Pigmies well may passe</p>
<p>As credible; mankinde decayes so soone,</p>
<p>We'are scarce our Fathers shadowes cast at noone:</p>
<p><span class="right1">145</span>Onely death addes t'our length: nor are wee growne</p>
<p>In stature to be men, till we are none.</p>
<p>But this were light, did our lesse volume hold</p>
<p>All the old Text; or had wee chang'd to gold</p>
<p>Their silver; or dispos'd into lesse glasse</p>
<p><span class="right1">150</span>Spirits of vertue, which then scatter'd was.</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="pagei.236" id="pagei.236"></SPAN>[page 236]</span></p>
<p>But 'tis not so: w'are not retir'd, but dampt;</p>
<p>And as our bodies, so our mindes are crampt:</p>
<p>'Tis shrinking, not close weaving that hath thus,</p>
<p>In minde, and body both bedwarfed us.</p>
<p><span class="right1">155</span>Wee seeme ambitious, Gods whole worke t'undoe;</p>
<p>Of nothing hee made us, and we strive too,</p>
<p>To bring our selves to nothing backe; and wee</p>
<p>Doe what wee can, to do't so soone as hee.</p>
<p>With new diseases on our selves we warre,</p>
<p><span class="right1">160</span>And with new Physicke, a worse Engin farre.</p>
<p>Thus man, this worlds Vice-Emperour, in whom</p>
<p>All faculties, all graces are at home;</p>
<p>And if in other creatures they appeare,</p>
<p>They're but mans Ministers, and Legats there,</p>
<p><span class="right1">165</span>To worke on their rebellions, and reduce</p>
<p>Them to Civility, and to mans use:</p>
<p>This man, whom God did wooe, and loth t'attend</p>
<p>Till man came up, did downe to man descend,</p>
<p>This man, so great, that all that is, is his,</p>
<p><span class="right1">170</span>Oh what a trifle, and poore thing he is!</p>
<p>If man were any thing, he's nothing now:</p>
<p>Helpe, or at least some time to wast, allow</p>
<p>T'his other wants, yet when he did depart</p>
<p>With her whom we lament, hee lost his heart.</p>
<p><span class="right1">175</span>She, of whom th'Ancients seem'd to prophesie,</p>
<p>When they call'd vertues by the name of <i>shee</i>;</p>
<p>Shee in whom vertue was so much refin'd,</p>
<p>That for Allay unto so pure a minde</p>
<p>Shee tooke the weaker Sex; shee that could drive</p>
<p><span class="right1">180</span>The poysonous tincture, and the staine of <i>Eve</i>,</p>
<p>Out of her thoughts, and deeds; and purifie</p>
<p>All, by a true religious Alchymie;</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="pagei.237" id="pagei.237"></SPAN>[page 237]</span></p>
<p>Shee, shee is dead; shee's dead: when thou knowest this,</p>
<p>Thou knowest how poore a trifling thing man is.</p>
<p><span class="right1">185</span>And learn'st thus much by our Anatomie,</p>
<p>The heart being perish'd, no part can be free.</p>
<p>And that except thou feed (not banquet) on</p>
<p>The supernaturall food, Religion,</p>
<p>Thy better Growth growes withered, and scant;</p>
<p><span class="right1">190</span>Be more then man, or thou'rt lesse then an Ant.</p>
<p>Then, as mankinde, so is the worlds whole frame</p>
<p>Quite out of joynt, almost created lame:</p>
<p>For, before God had made up all the rest,</p>
<p>Corruption entred, and deprav'd the best:</p>
<p><span class="right1">195</span>It seis'd the Angels, and then first of all</p>
<p>The world did in her cradle take a fall,</p>
<p>And turn'd her braines, and tooke a generall maime,</p>
<p>Wronging each joynt of th'universall frame.</p>
<p>The noblest part, man, felt it first; and than</p>
<p><span class="right1">200</span>Both beasts and plants, curst in the curse of man.</p>
<p class="rightnote"><i>Decay of nature in other parts.</i></p>
<p>So did the world from the first houre decay,</p>
<p>That evening was beginning of the day,</p>
<p>And now the Springs and Sommers which we see,</p>
<p>Like sonnes of women after fiftie bee.</p>
<p><span class="right1">205</span>And new Philosophy calls all in doubt,</p>
<p>The Element of fire is quite put out;</p>
<p>The Sun is lost, and th'earth, and no mans wit</p>
<p>Can well direct him where to looke for it.</p>
<p>And freely men confesse that this world's spent,</p>
<p><span class="right1">210</span>When in the Planets, and the Firmament</p>
<p>They seeke so many new; they see that this</p>
<p>Is crumbled out againe to his Atomies.</p>
<p>'Tis all in peeces, all cohaerence gone;</p>
<p>All just supply, and all Relation:</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="pagei.238" id="pagei.238"></SPAN>[page 238]</span></p>
<p><span class="right1">215</span>Prince, Subject, Father, Sonne, are things forgot,</p>
<p>For every man alone thinkes he hath got</p>
<p>To be a Phœnix, and that then can bee</p>
<p>None of that kinde, of which he is, but hee.</p>
<p>This is the worlds condition now, and now</p>
<p><span class="right1">220</span>She that should all parts to reunion bow,</p>
<p>She that had all Magnetique force alone,</p>
<p>To draw, and fasten sundred parts in one;</p>
<p>She whom wise nature had invented then</p>
<p>When she observ'd that every sort of men</p>
<p><span class="right1">225</span>Did in their voyage in this worlds Sea stray,</p>
<p>And needed a new compasse for their way;</p>
<p>She that was best, and first originall</p>
<p>Of all faire copies, and the generall</p>
<p>Steward to Fate; she whose rich eyes, and brest</p>
<p><span class="right1">230</span>Guilt the West Indies, and perfum'd the East;</p>
<p>Whose having breath'd in this world, did bestow</p>
<p>Spice on those Iles, and bad them still smell so,</p>
<p>And that rich Indie which doth gold interre,</p>
<p>Is but as single money, coyn'd from her:</p>
<p><span class="right1">235</span>She to whom this world must it selfe refer,</p>
<p>As Suburbs, or the Microcosme of her,</p>
<p>Shee, shee is dead; shee's dead: when thou knowst this,</p>
<p>Thou knowst how lame a cripple this world is.</p>
<p>And learn'st thus much by our Anatomy,</p>
<p><span class="right1">240</span>That this worlds generall sickenesse doth not lie</p>
<p>In any humour, or one certaine part;</p>
<p>But as thou sawest it rotten at the heart,</p>
<p>Thou seest a Hectique feaver hath got hold</p>
<p>Of the whole substance, not to be contrould,</p>
<p><span class="right1">245</span>And that thou hast but one way, not t'admit</p>
<p>The worlds infection, to be none of it.</p>
<p>For the worlds subtilst immateriall parts</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="pagei.239" id="pagei.239"></SPAN>[page 239]</span></p>
<p>Feele this consuming wound, and ages darts.</p>
<p>For the worlds beauty is decai'd, or gone,</p>
<p class="rightnote"><i>Disformity of parts.</i></p>
<p><span class="right1">250</span>Beauty, that's colour, and proportion.</p>
<p>We thinke the heavens enjoy their Sphericall,</p>
<p>Their round proportion embracing all.</p>
<p>But yet their various and perplexed course,</p>
<p>Observ'd in divers ages, doth enforce</p>
<p><span class="right1">255</span>Men to finde out so many Eccentrique parts,</p>
<p>Such divers downe-right lines, such overthwarts,</p>
<p>As disproportion that pure forme: It teares</p>
<p>The Firmament in eight and forty sheires,</p>
<p>And in these Constellations then arise</p>
<p><span class="right1">260</span>New starres, and old doe vanish from our eyes:</p>
<p>As though heav'n suffered earthquakes, peace or war,</p>
<p>When new Towers rise, and old demolish't are.</p>
<p>They have impal'd within a Zodiake</p>
<p>The free-borne Sun, and keepe twelve Signes awake</p>
<p><span class="right1">265</span>To watch his steps; the Goat and Crab controule,</p>
<p>And fright him backe, who else to either Pole</p>
<p>(Did not these Tropiques fetter him) might runne:</p>
<p>For his course is not round; nor can the Sunne</p>
<p>Perfit a Circle, or maintaine his way</p>
<p><span class="right1">270</span>One inch direct; but where he rose to-day</p>
<p>He comes no more, but with a couzening line,</p>
<p>Steales by that point, and so is Serpentine:</p>
<p>And seeming weary with his reeling thus,</p>
<p>He meanes to sleepe, being now falne nearer us.</p>
<p><span class="right1">275</span>So, of the Starres which boast that they doe runne</p>
<p>In Circle still, none ends where he begun.</p>
<p>All their proportion's lame, it sinkes, it swels.</p>
<p>For of Meridians, and Parallels,</p>
<p>Man hath weav'd out a net, and this net throwne</p>
<p><span class="right1">280</span>Upon the Heavens, and now they are his owne.</p>
<p>Loth to goe up the hill, or labour thus</p>
<p>To goe to heaven, we make heaven come to us.</p>
<p>We spur, we reine the starres, and in their race</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="pagei.240" id="pagei.240"></SPAN>[page 240]</span></p>
<p>They're diversly content t'obey our pace.</p>
<p><span class="right1">285</span>But keepes the earth her round proportion still?</p>
<p>Doth not a Tenarif, or higher Hill</p>
<p>Rise so high like a Rocke, that one might thinke</p>
<p>The floating Moone would shipwracke there, and sinke?</p>
<p>Seas are so deepe, that Whales being strooke to day,</p>
<p><span class="right1">290</span>Perchance to morrow, scarse at middle way</p>
<p>Of their wish'd journies end, the bottome, die.</p>
<p>And men, to sound depths, so much line untie,</p>
<p>As one might justly thinke, that there would rise</p>
<p>At end thereof, one of th'Antipodies:</p>
<p><span class="right1">295</span>If under all, a Vault infernall bee,</p>
<p>(Which sure is spacious, except that we</p>
<p>Invent another torment, that there must</p>
<p>Millions into a straight hot roome be thrust)</p>
<p>Then solidnesse, and roundnesse have no place.</p>
<p><span class="right1">300</span>Are these but warts, and pock-holes in the face</p>
<p>Of th'earth? Thinke so: but yet confesse, in this</p>
<p>The worlds proportion disfigured is;</p>
<p class="rightnote"><i>Disorder in the world.</i></p>
<p>That those two legges whereon it doth rely,</p>
<p>Reward and punishment are bent awry.</p>
<p><span class="right1">305</span>And, Oh, it can no more be questioned,</p>
<p>That beauties best, proportion, is dead,</p>
<p>Since even griefe it selfe, which now alone</p>
<p>Is left us, is without proportion.</p>
<p>Shee by whose lines proportion should bee</p>
<p><span class="right1">310</span>Examin'd, measure of all Symmetree,</p>
<p>Whom had that Ancient seen, who thought soules made</p>
<p>Of Harmony, he would at next have said</p>
<p>That Harmony was shee, and thence infer,</p>
<p>That soules were but Resultances from her,</p>
<p><span class="right1">315</span>And did from her into our bodies goe,</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="pagei.241" id="pagei.241"></SPAN>[page 241]</span></p>
<p>As to our eyes, the formes from objects flow:</p>
<p>Shee, who if those great Doctors truly said</p>
<p>That the Arke to mans proportions was made,</p>
<p>Had been a type for that, as that might be</p>
<p><span class="right1">320</span>A type of her in this, that contrary</p>
<p>Both Elements, and Passions liv'd at peace</p>
<p>In her, who caus'd all Civill war to cease.</p>
<p>Shee, after whom, what forme so'er we see,</p>
<p>Is discord, and rude incongruitie;</p>
<p><span class="right1">325</span>Shee, shee is dead, shee's dead; when thou knowst this</p>
<p>Thou knowst how ugly a monster this world is:</p>
<p>And learn'st thus much by our Anatomie,</p>
<p>That here is nothing to enamour thee:</p>
<p>And that, not only faults in inward parts,</p>
<p><span class="right1">330</span>Corruptions in our braines, or in our hearts,</p>
<p>Poysoning the fountaines, whence our actions spring,</p>
<p>Endanger us: but that if every thing</p>
<p>Be not done fitly'and in proportion,</p>
<p>To satisfie wise, and good lookers on,</p>
<p><span class="right1">335</span>(Since most men be such as most thinke they bee)</p>
<p>They're lothsome too, by this Deformitee.</p>
<p>For good, and well, must in our actions meete;</p>
<p>Wicked is not much worse than indiscreet.</p>
<p>But beauties other second Element,</p>
<p><span class="right1">340</span>Colour, and lustre now, is as neere spent.</p>
<p>And had the world his just proportion,</p>
<p>Were it a ring still, yet the stone is gone.</p>
<p>As a compassionate Turcoyse which doth tell</p>
<p>By looking pale, the wearer is not well,</p>
<p><span class="right1">345</span>As gold falls sicke being stung with Mercury,</p>
<p>All the worlds parts of such complexion bee.</p>
<p>When nature was most busie, the first weeke,</p>
<p>Swadling the new borne earth, God seem'd to like</p>
<p>That she should sport her selfe sometimes, and play,</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="pagei.242" id="pagei.242"></SPAN>[page 242]</span></p>
<p><span class="right1">350</span>To mingle, and vary colours every day:</p>
<p>And then, as though shee could not make inow,</p>
<p>Himselfe his various Rainbow did allow.</p>
<p>Sight is the noblest sense of any one,</p>
<p>Yet sight hath only colour to feed on,</p>
<p><span class="right1">355</span>And colour is decai'd: summers robe growes</p>
<p>Duskie, and like an oft dyed garment showes.</p>
<p>Our blushing red, which us'd in cheekes to spred,</p>
<p>Is inward sunke, and only our soules are red.</p>
<p>Perchance the world might have recovered,</p>
<p><span class="right1">360</span>If she whom we lament had not beene dead:</p>
<p>But shee, in whom all white, and red, and blew</p>
<p>(Beauties ingredients) voluntary grew,</p>
<p>As in an unvext Paradise; from whom</p>
<p>Did all things verdure, and their lustre come,</p>
<p><span class="right1">365</span>Whose composition was miraculous,</p>
<p>Being all colour, all Diaphanous,</p>
<p>(For Ayre, and Fire but thick grosse bodies were,</p>
<p>And liveliest stones but drowsie, and pale to her,)</p>
<p>Shee, shee, is dead; shee's dead: when thou know'st this,</p>
<p><span class="right1">370</span>Thou knowst how wan a Ghost this our world is:</p>
<p>And learn'st thus much by our Anatomie,</p>
<p>That it should more affright, then pleasure thee.</p>
<p>And that, since all faire colour then did sinke,</p>
<p>'Tis now but wicked vanitie, to thinke</p>
<p class="rightnote"><i>Weaknesse in the want of correspondence of heaven and earth.</i></p>
<p><span class="right1">375</span>To colour vicious deeds with good pretence,</p>
<p>Or with bought colors to illude mens sense.</p>
<p>Nor in ought more this worlds decay appeares,</p>
<p>Then that her influence the heav'n forbeares,</p>
<p>Or that the Elements doe not feele this,</p>
<p><span class="right1">380</span>The father, or the mother barren is.</p>
<p>The cloudes conceive not raine, or doe not powre,</p>
<p>In the due birth time, downe the balmy showre;</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="pagei.243" id="pagei.243"></SPAN>[page 243]</span></p>
<p>Th'Ayre doth not motherly sit on the earth,</p>
<p>To hatch her seasons, and give all things birth;</p>
<p><span class="right1">385</span>Spring-times were common cradles, but are tombes;</p>
<p>And false-conceptions fill the generall wombes;</p>
<p>Th'Ayre showes such Meteors, as none can see,</p>
<p>Not only what they meane, but what they bee;</p>
<p>Earth such new wormes, as would have troubled much</p>
<p><span class="right1">390</span>Th'Ægyptian <i>Mages</i> to have made more such.</p>
<p>What Artist now dares boast that he can bring</p>
<p>Heaven hither, or constellate any thing,</p>
<p>So as the influence of those starres may bee</p>
<p>Imprison'd in an Hearbe, or Charme, or Tree,</p>
<p><span class="right1">395</span>And doe by touch, all which those stars could doe?</p>
<p>The art is lost, and correspondence too.</p>
<p>For heaven gives little, and the earth takes lesse,</p>
<p>And man least knowes their trade and purposes.</p>
<p>If this commerce twixt heaven and earth were not</p>
<p><span class="right1">400</span>Embarr'd, and all this traffique quite forgot,</p>
<p>She, for whose losse we have lamented thus,</p>
<p>Would worke more fully, and pow'rfully on us:</p>
<p>Since herbes, and roots, by dying lose not all,</p>
<p>But they, yea Ashes too, are medicinall,</p>
<p><span class="right1">405</span>Death could not quench her vertue so, but that</p>
<p>It would be (if not follow'd) wondred at:</p>
<p>And all the world would be one dying Swan,</p>
<p>To sing her funerall praise, and vanish than.</p>
<p>But as some Serpents poyson hurteth not,</p>
<p><span class="right1">410</span>Except it be from the live Serpent shot,</p>
<p>So doth her vertue need her here, to fit</p>
<p>That unto us; shee working more then it.</p>
<p>But shee, in whom to such maturity</p>
<p>Vertue was growne, past growth, that it must die;</p>
<p><span class="right1">415</span>She, from whose influence all Impressions came,</p>
<p>But, by Receivers impotencies, lame,</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="pagei.244" id="pagei.244"></SPAN>[page 244]</span></p>
<p>Who, though she could not transubstantiate</p>
<p>All states to gold, yet guilded every state,</p>
<p>So that some Princes have some temperance;</p>
<p><span class="right1">420</span>Some Counsellers some purpose to advance</p>
<p>The common profit; and some people have</p>
<p>Some stay, no more then Kings should give, to crave;</p>
<p>Some women have some taciturnity,</p>
<p>Some nunneries some graines of chastitie.</p>
<p><span class="right1">425</span>She that did thus much, and much more could doe,</p>
<p>But that our age was Iron, and rustie too,</p>
<p>Shee, shee is dead; shee's dead; when thou knowst this,</p>
<p>Thou knowst how drie a Cinder this world is.</p>
<p>And learn'st thus much by our Anatomy,</p>
<p><span class="right1">430</span>That 'tis in vaine to dew, or mollifie</p>
<p>It with thy teares, or sweat, or blood: nothing</p>
<p>Is worth our travaile, griefe, or perishing,</p>
<p>But those rich joyes, which did possesse her heart,</p>
<p>Of which she's now partaker, and a part.</p>
<p class="rightnote"><i>Conclusion.</i></p>
<p><span class="right1">435</span>But as in cutting up a man that's dead,</p>
<p>The body will not last out, to have read</p>
<p>On every part, and therefore men direct</p>
<p>Their speech to parts, that are of most effect;</p>
<p>So the worlds carcasse would not last, if I</p>
<p><span class="right1">440</span>Were punctuall in this Anatomy;</p>
<p>Nor smels it well to hearers, if one tell</p>
<p>Them their disease, who faine would think they're well.</p>
<p>Here therefore be the end: And, blessed maid,</p>
<p>Of whom is meant what ever hath been said,</p>
<p><span class="right1">445</span>Or shall be spoken well by any tongue,</p>
<p>Whose name refines course lines, and makes prose song,</p>
<p>Accept this tribute, and his first yeares rent,</p>
<p>Who till his darke short tapers end be spent,</p>
<p>As oft as thy feast sees this widowed earth,</p>
<p><span class="right1">450</span>Will yearely celebrate thy second birth,</p>
<p>That is, thy death; for though the soule of man</p>
<p>Be got when man is made, 'tis borne but than</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="pagei.245" id="pagei.245"></SPAN>[page 245]</span></p>
<p>When man doth die; our body's as the wombe,</p>
<p>And, as a Mid-wife, death directs it home.</p>
<p><span class="right1">455</span>And you her creatures, whom she workes upon,</p>
<p>And have your last, and best concoction</p>
<p>From her example, and her vertue, if you</p>
<p>In reverence to her, do thinke it due,</p>
<p>That no one should her praises thus rehearse,</p>
<p><span class="right1">460</span>As matter fit for Chronicle, not verse;</p>
<p>Vouchsafe to call to minde that God did make</p>
<p>A last, and lasting'st peece, a song. He spake</p>
<p>To <i>Moses</i> to deliver unto all,</p>
<p>That song, because hee knew they would let fall</p>
<p><span class="right1">465</span>The Law, the Prophets, and the History,</p>
<p>But keepe the song still in their memory:</p>
<p>Such an opinion (in due measure) made</p>
<p>Me this great Office boldly to invade:</p>
<p>Nor could incomprehensiblenesse deterre</p>
<p><span class="right1">470</span>Mee, from thus trying to emprison her,</p>
<p>Which when I saw that a strict grave could doe,</p>
<p>I saw not why verse might not do so too.</p>
<p>Verse hath a middle nature: heaven keepes Soules,</p>
<p>The Grave keepes bodies, Verse the Fame enroules.</p>
<hr class="short" />
<h3>A Funerall<span class="spaced"> <span class="sc">Elegie</span></span>.<SPAN name="pagei.245a" id="pagei.245a"></SPAN></h3>
<div class="poem width27"> <div class="stanza">
<p><span class="dropcap">'T</span><span class="sp6">IS lost, to trust a Tombe with such a guest,</span></p>
<p class="i6">Or to confine her in a marble chest.</p>
<p>Alas, what's Marble, Jeat, or Porphyrie,</p>
<p>Priz'd with the Chrysolite of either eye,</p>
<p><span class="right1"> 5</span>Or with those Pearles, and Rubies, which she was?</p>
<p>Joyne the two Indies in one Tombe, 'tis glasse;</p>
<p>And so is all to her materials,</p>
<p>Though every inch were ten Escurials,</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="pagei.246" id="pagei.246"></SPAN>[page 246]</span></p>
<p>Yet she's demolish'd: can wee keepe her then</p>
<p><span class="right1">10</span>In works of hands, or of the wits of men?</p>
<p>Can these memorials, ragges of paper, give</p>
<p>Life to that name, by which name they must live?</p>
<p>Sickly, alas, short-liv'd, aborted bee</p>
<p>Those carcasse verses, whose soule is not shee.</p>
<p><span class="right1">15</span>And can shee, who no longer would be shee, </p>
<p>Being such a Tabernacle, stoop to be</p>
<p>In paper wrapt; or, when shee would not lie</p>
<p>In such a house, dwell in an Elegie?</p>
<p>But 'tis no matter; wee may well allow</p>
<p><span class="right1">20</span>Verse to live so long as the world will now,</p>
<p>For her death wounded it. The world containes</p>
<p>Princes for armes, and Counsellors for braines,</p>
<p>Lawyers for tongues, Divines for hearts, and more,</p>
<p>The Rich for stomackes, and for backes, the Poore;</p>
<p><span class="right1">25</span>The Officers for hands, Merchants for feet,</p>
<p>By which, remote and distant Countries meet.</p>
<p>But those fine spirits which do tune, and set</p>
<p>This Organ, are those peeces which beget</p>
<p>Wonder and love; and these were shee; and shee</p>
<p><span class="right1">30</span>Being spent, the world must needs decrepit bee;</p>
<p>For since death will proceed to triumph still,</p>
<p>He can finde nothing, after her, to kill,</p>
<p>Except the world it selfe, so great as shee.</p>
<p>Thus brave and confident may Nature bee,</p>
<p><span class="right1">35</span>Death cannot give her such another blow,</p>
<p>Because shee cannot such another show.</p>
<p>But must wee say she's dead? may't not be said</p>
<p>That as a sundred clocke is peecemeale laid,</p>
<p>Not to be lost, but by the makers hand</p>
<p><span class="right1">40</span>Repollish'd, without errour then to stand,</p>
<p>Or as the Affrique Niger streame enwombs</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="pagei.247" id="pagei.247"></SPAN>[page 247]</span></p>
<p>It selfe into the earth, and after comes</p>
<p>(Having first made a naturall bridge, to passe</p>
<p>For many leagues) farre greater then it was,</p>
<p><span class="right1">45</span>May't not be said, that her grave shall restore</p>
<p>Her, greater, purer, firmer, then before?</p>
<p>Heaven may say this, and joy in't, but can wee</p>
<p>Who live, and lacke her, here this vantage see?</p>
<p>What is't to us, alas, if there have beene</p>
<p><span class="right1">50</span>An Angell made a Throne, or Cherubin?</p>
<p>Wee lose by't: and as aged men are glad</p>
<p>Being tastlesse growne, to joy in joyes they had,</p>
<p>So now the sick starv'd world must feed upon</p>
<p>This joy, that we had her, who now is gone.</p>
<p><span class="right1">55</span>Rejoyce then Nature, and this World, that you,</p>
<p>Fearing the last fires hastning to subdue</p>
<p>Your force and vigour, ere it were neere gone,</p>
<p>Wisely bestow'd and laid it all on one.</p>
<p>One, whose cleare body was so pure and thinne,</p>
<p><span class="right1">60</span>Because it need disguise no thought within.</p>
<p>'Twas but a through-light scarfe, her minde t'inroule;</p>
<p>Or exhalation breath'd out from her Soule.</p>
<p>One, whom all men who durst no more, admir'd:</p>
<p>And whom, who ere had worth enough, desir'd;</p>
<p><span class="right1">65</span>As when a Temple's built, Saints emulate</p>
<p>To which of them, it shall be consecrate.</p>
<p>But, as when heaven lookes on us with new eyes,</p>
<p>Those new starres every Artist exercise,</p>
<p>What place they should assigne to them they doubt,</p>
<p><span class="right1">70</span>Argue,'and agree not, till those starres goe out:</p>
<p>So the world studied whose this peece should be,</p>
<p>Till shee can be no bodies else, nor shee:</p>
<p>But like a Lampe of Balsamum, desir'd</p>
<p>Rather t'adorne, then last, she soone expir'd,</p>
<p><span class="right1">75</span>Cloath'd in her virgin white integritie,</p>
<p><span class="pagenum"><SPAN name="pagei.248" id="pagei.248"></SPAN>[page 248]</span></p>
<p>For marriage, though it doe not staine, doth dye.</p>
<p>To scape th'infirmities which wait upon</p>
<p>Woman, she went away, before sh'was one;</p>
<p>And the worlds busie noyse to overcome,</p>
<p><span class="right1">80</span>Tooke so much death, as serv'd for <i>opium</i>;</p>
<p>For though she could not, nor could chuse to dye,</p>
<p>She'ath yeelded to too long an extasie:</p>
<p>Hee which not knowing her said History,</p>
<p>Should come to reade the booke of destiny,</p>
<p><span class="right1">85</span>How faire, and chast, humble, and high she'ad been,</p>
<p>Much promis'd, much perform'd, at not fifteene,</p>
<p>And measuring future things, by things before,</p>
<p>Should turne the leafe to reade, and reade no more,</p>
<p>Would thinke that either destiny mistooke,</p>
<p><span class="right1">90</span>Or that some leaves were torne out of the booke.</p>
<p>But 'tis not so; Fate did but usher her</p>
<p>To yeares of reasons use, and then inferre</p>
<p>Her destiny to her selfe, which liberty</p>
<p>She tooke but for thus much, thus much to die.</p>
<p><span class="right1">95</span>Her modestie not suffering her to bee</p>
<p>Fellow-Commissioner with Destinie,</p>
<p>She did no more but die; if after her</p>
<p>Any shall live, which dare true good prefer,</p>
<p>Every such person is her deligate,</p>
<p><span class="right1">100</span>T'accomplish that which should have beene her Fate.</p>
<p>They shall make up that Booke and shall have thanks</p>
<p>Of Fate, and her, for filling up their blankes.</p>
<p>For future vertuous deeds are Legacies,</p>
<p>Which from the gift of her example rise;</p>
<p><span class="right1">105</span>And 'tis in heav'n part of spirituall mirth,</p>
<p>To see how well the good play her, on earth.</p>
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