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 southeast southeast /ˌsaʊˈθiːst/


  1. Situated in or oriented toward the southeast  ( southeast , southeasterly , southeastern )
    situated in or oriented toward the southeast
  2. Coming from the southeast  ( southeast , southeasterly )
    coming from the southeast
     Southeasterly breezes
    southeasterly breezes


  1. () To, toward, or in the southeast  ( sou'-east , south-east , southeast )
    to, toward, or in the southeast
      The compass needle pointed southeast, guiding them in the right direction.
    The compass needle pointed southeast, guiding them in the right direction.


  1. () The compass point midway between south and east; at 135 degrees  ( SE , sou'-east , southeastward , southeast )
    the compass point midway between south and east; at 135 degrees
  2. A location in the southeastern part of a country, region, or city  ( southeast )
    a location in the southeastern part of a country, region, or city
  3. The direction corresponding to the southeastward compass point  ( southeast )
    the direction corresponding to the southeastward compass point


  1. () The southeastern region of the United States  ( southeastern United States , Southeast )
    the southeastern region of the United States

 conducting conducting /kənˈdʌktɪŋ/


  1. The direction of an orchestra or choir  ( conducting )
    the direction of an orchestra or choir
     He does not use a baton for conducting
    he does not use a baton for conducting
  2. The way of administering a business  ( conducting )
    the way of administering a business

 maneuverer maneuverer /məˈnuːvərər/


  1. [American] A person skilled in maneuvering  ( maneuverer [American] , manoeuvrer [Canadian, British] )
    a person skilled in maneuvering

 germander germander /ˈdʒɜːməndɛə/


  1. Any of various plants of the genus Teucrium  ( germander )
    any of various plants of the genus Teucrium
     Germander plants, with their intricate flowers, have always been a staple in traditional gardens.
    Germander plants, with their intricate flowers, have always been a staple in traditional gardens.